3 weeks Coaching for Manifesting Healing, Rejuvenation and Transformation of your Life; Energy-and-Insight Based Regressions and Completion Healing Sessions Included.

3 weeks Coaching for Manifesting Healing, Rejuvenation and Transformation of your Life; Energy-and-Insight Based Regressions and Completion Healing Sessions Included.

9 sessions over 3 weeks.

3X 1-2 Hr. Consulting Sessions a week For 3 Weeks

 - 9 Sessions Total Personal and Manifestational Coaching, Energetic and Insight-based Healing and Spiritually-Based Regressions to Heal, Realign and bring Completion to your Space of Possibility

- $6k+ Value. Certified Embodied Light Practitioner at the Teaching Level and Initiated Hindu Spiritual Nithya Healing Freely Included.

Manifest Healing and Infuse Life into your Life with Personalized, High-Integrity personal Hindu-Spiritual-Based Council and Enriching, Regression and Healing Sessions, Manifestation and Law-of-Attraction Guidance with Practical approach, meant to completely Shift Your Space for both the long-term. Book this plan if you're ready to Heal or Transform your life, your past and future, and Cause Your Reality to Shift to Your Life's Optimal Trajectory.

If you would like to learn more about us, or to book any of our various session plans and strategies

Reach out - let us know what You want to Manifest in Your Life.